
  • Company Name

    ImmuniT Research Inc.

  • Date of foundation

    May 15, 2017

  • Head office

    1-1-13, Shimbashi Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan, Urban Net Uchisaiwaicho Building 3F

  • Saitama Research Institute

    Research Park, Genomic Research Building 5th, Saitama Medical University, 1397-1 Yamane, Hidaka city, Saitama 350-1241, Japan

  • Phone


  • Directors

    Masafumi Yasukochi


    Akio Ametani, PhD

    Outside Director

    Keima Ueno, MBA

    External Auditor

    Fumimaro Kumagai

  • Advisor

    Sachio Senmoto, PhD

  • Business description
    • Research into methods to determine the clinical effects and the development of test kits related to immunity checkpoint inhibitors
    • Gene analysis related to immunotherapies
    • Research into new immunotherapies
    • Contracted medical research and database development
    • Development of therapeutic agents

ImmuniT Research Inc.

1-1-13, Shimbashi Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan,
Urban Net Uchisaiwaicho Building 3F